Competición de tiro con arco tradicional y el festival folklórico de bandas de gaitas y grupos de danza - Encina 2022
Ponferrada, 06 de septiembre de 2022
La competición de tiro con arco tradicional y el festival folklórico de bandas de gaitas y grupos de danza animaron la tarde festiva de ayer en presencia de numeroso público y de la representación institucional municipal, formada por los concejales Mabel Fernández, Iván Castrillo y Pedro F. Robles.
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High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch
High resolution image. This link will open using lightbox, there may be a context switch