Ayuntamiento de Ponferrada
Forest of Chestnuts in Compludo
The way that goes among isolated orchards surrounded by stone walls from Compludo leads us to the river Miera.
We can cross it over a stone...
Holm Oak of Saint Blas in Campo
La A long time ago the holm oak was the most common tree in the so called "olla berciana"(a range of mountains), and it formed an important...
Spindle Tree in Rimor
The cypress, the olive tree and the box together with the mythical yew tree, are the species that you can traditionally find in the graveyards...
Fauna Ornamental
En el estanque del Parque del Plantío, existe una gran variedad de aves acuáticas.
Estas especies se reponen de manera continua a fin de mantener...
Fauna Silvestre
Se trata de una fauna típica de zonas humanizadas, pero en la que destaca la presencia de ardillas silvestres en el Parque del Temple.