Encina de San Blas en CampoEncina de San Blas en Campo
La A long time ago the holm oak was the most common tree in the so called "olla berciana"(a range of mountains), and it formed an important ecosystem that generated richness.

The infraestructures, cutting and intensive farming have turned the Holm oak into a species in absolute decline.

Poor old Holm oak that has always offered the man all its properties; acorns and pasture for the cattle, wood for the winter, shadow in the summer and on the whole a burst of life and prosperity.

This tree will probably suffer from the teeth of the chain saw or the mortal blow of the bulldozer when this happens...

The majestic holm oak, next to the Saint Blas Church will be safe in the future, not only because of being a monumental tree but also and moreover, because the people from the area are really fond of this tree.

SPECIES: Holm oak (Quercus ilex) (Quercus ilex)
HEIGHT: 14 m
PERIMETER (1,30 m): 4,20 m